Water pumping with green electricity

WBV Dörnberg is leading the way in terms of green public services and has commissioned us with the planning and construction of a photovoltaic system on the building of pumping station Breitenbach in the Hessian municipality of Schauenburg. The special feature of this PV system is that the solar modules are mounted on the roof surfaces as well as on the south and west facades of the building in order to achieve an optimal light yield. The plant’s output will be 37.05kWp and – by conservative estimate – it is going to save at least 4 tons of CO2 per year. The work is expected to be completed in March 2022, which means that the pumping of water from the deep well with the support of solar energy will be considerably ‘greener’ in the future.


Solar modules on the front and side facades of pumping station Breitenbach, also known as waterworks Martinhagen. This photo is taken from the roof.
Mounting of solar modules on the front and side facades of the pumping station
Installation of the solar modules on the front facade of pumping station Breitenbach/waterworks Martinhagen
Front facade of the pumping station
It shows the flat roof of the pumping station, which is yet to be equipped with solar panels
Flat roof of the pumping station – still to be equipped with solar modules