Modernisation of the drainage infrastructure

In close cooperation with Stadtentwässerungsbetriebe (municipal drainage company) Böblingen, IWR GmbH supervised the burst lining process at Elly-Beinhorn-Straße and brought it to a successful conclusion. The goal was to increase the pipe diameter in order to cope with the increasing demand for wastewater disposal. Furthermore, the measure was implemented to modernise the aging drainage infrastructure and meet future requirements. Challenges, in particular the depth of the excavation pit of 8 metres, were overcome with state-of-the-art technology.

Preparation of excavation pit for burst lining


Pre-inspection for damage analysis

The services provided by IWR GmbH included supervising a detailed inspection of the existing drainage pipes to analyse the damage. Transparent communication with Stadtentwässerungsbetrieben Böblingen as well as with local residents ensured smooth project management.

Why burst lining?

The decision to use the burst lining method at this depth proved to be cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Costly construction work and road demolition were avoided in this way. This sustainable infrastructure improvement ensures that the drainage systems in Elly-Beinhorn-Straße can cope with increasing demands and perform reliably for years to come.